Day 14: Marlú Abarca

Lesley Payne interviews Marlú Abarca about coming to Iowa and working as the Vice Chair of the Latino Affairs Commission, a part of the Office of Latino Affairs, which streamlines access to services offered by the State of Iowa.  The commission is made up of seven Governor-appointed community members who volunteer their time to represent the Latino community in Iowa. During the week, you might find Marlú working as a Bilingual Services Library Assistant in the Des Moines Public Libraries. Through her position, she ensures that the Library is a welcoming environment that engages the community, celebrates culture, and promotes literacy.  

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Day 12: Sonia Reyes-Snyder


Lesley Payne interviews Sonia Reyes-Snyder about where she is from and moving to Iowa. Sonia is the Executive Officer in the Office of Latino Affairs, which streamlines access to services offered by the State of Iowa. The office advocates for Iowans of Latino heritage to participate fully in the economic, social and cultural life of the state by providing assistance and coordinating the efforts of other state departments and agencies, in addition to the development and coordination of other public or private organizations.

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